
Life Changes

I did it: Last Friday I joined the "Y." And on Monday made my first visit. Couldn't go Tuesday because of work, but went today. I stop there on my way home. Just taking baby steps because, of course, I need to be able to crawl out of bed the next day and actually move around and function. I need to stop by there some time when the trainers are around so that they can show me how to operate the assorted Rube Goldberg contraptions found in gyms. I have the elliptical, the bike, and the stairstepper thingy figured out. I'll also generally only be able to go four days each week as work permits--although work shouldn't interfere very often; I think this occasion was a fluke. But that's four days more than zero days! I even bought myself a MP3 player device and subscribed to an audio-book rental program. I'm waiting for Harry Potter 1 right now.

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