Which means, of course, I wasn’t quite dead last! We started the race cold and wet and finished it colder and wetter. But we finished the first annual Surf City Marathon/Half-Marathon/5K. I came in 1357 of 1398 women in the 5K, 2205 out of 2265 overall in the 5K, and 66th in Females 55-59 (don’t know how many there were in that age group). Not such a bad showing for a waddling first-timer. 1:02:40, which is faster than I felt I was going.
All things considered, the first half wasn’t so bad—northbound on PCH from Main St (very near the former location of the renowned Golden Bear) to just past Golden West—with the rain and wind coming in toward the left butt cheek. Of course, when we made the turn to head back past the oilfields into town, we were bucking a headwind with the salty rain pouring into our right eyes. Melissa’s iPod tracking chip thingy decided it didn’t like the cold and wet, so we don’t know how far we walked from the shuttle stop to the staging area and then from the finish line (south of the pier) back to the shuttle stop. Somewhere between half and three-quarters of a mile for the shuttle-stop-to-staging-area jaunt, then around half a mile from the finish line to the shuttle stop.
I’m exhausted, my legs and feet hurt, my body didn’t like the hotel bed. But I had a blast!! Our stitching friend Nancy is planning to join us at the event at Knott’s. And all healing thoughts directed to Terri so she can continue training!!
Too bad the Y closes so early on Sundays. I wouldn’t have minded spending a little time parboiling myself in the jacuzzi. And maybe tomorrow I'll have the energy to post the weekly report.
WTG Darla!! You did an AMAZING job for your first 5k ever, even moreso given the shitty weather conditions we had. :-)
I am so proud of you and for you! I have my dr. appt. today and I'm going to throw myself on his/her mercy to let me start training again!
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