
2008, Week Thirty

Monday, July 21: Home treadmill for 1.301 miles; morning bike ride for 15.78 miles; post-work stop at the Y for 2.28 miles on the elliptical.
Tuesday, July 22: Home treadmill for 1.357 miles; but when I got to the park this morning for my ride, I discovered a very flat rear tire. Went to the gym and spent 40 minutes on the elliptical, for 2.52 miles; the post-work visit to the Y was spent on strength training.
Wednesday, July 23: Home treadmill for 1.40 miles; no ride today because the bike is in the shop (and things were so hectic in the afternoon that I couldn’t get away to pick it up); no pre-work visit to the Y because I had to be at work early because the morning guy had to take a day off for personal stuff; post-work trip to the Y was spent on the elliptical, for 2.88 miles.
Thursday, July 24: Home treadmill for 1.401 miles; picked up the bike from the shop, but not early enough to find a place to ride before work; post-work stop at the Y for strength training (UBWO, plus the two hip machines).
Friday, July 25: Home treadmill for 1.251 miles; morning bike ride (yay!!!!!!!!) for 14.88 miles. No visit to the Y because I don’t finish up at work early enough on Fridays to get there.
Saturday, July 26: City of Cypress 5K today with Melissa. And even with the early (7:30) start, the heat and humidity were nearly unbearable. While at the water stop, I chatted briefly with a family out on their front lawn, and jokingly asked one of them if they had “any more of that coffee.” He said they had plenty; was there anything in particular I wanted? I laughed and said the song I was listening to at the time was “Wildwood Weed,” and the whole family laughed. The Big Stick Popsicles were a wonderful “prize” and I was tempted to grab a second one. But I’d had to ask for help getting the wrapper off the first one—my hands were so slippery! Anyway, I came in 490 out of 492 listed on the results page, with a chip time of 57:05, and 17th in my Division. My pedometer said I covered a total of 3.9 miles, including all the walking before and after the actual event. That’s an improvement for me by a full minute. And congratulations to Melissa for her new PR!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, July 27: Home treadmill for 1.503 miles; no bike ride; no visit to the Y. Kept driving around to different stores and just never stopped for a ride nor got to the gym.

Total distance for the week: 50.282
Distance from Bag End: 2831.048
Distance to Isengard: 102.952

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