

The green-eyed monster reared its ugly head earlier this week, and yesterday at the LNS had it roaring. Hearing Melissa's tale of her bike purchase just made it all the more agonizing that I don't yet have one. And after listening to her tell of the craptacular treatment she received at one of the bike shops nearest us, I didn't feel even the tiniest smidgen of guilt when I asked the young man at that same shop to haul a couple of different bikes down off that rack (unfortunately, only the middle rack, not the top-most one) for me to take to the parking lot to test the adage that you never do forget how to fall off a bicycle.

Well, okay, I didn't really fall off! But the smallest frame size is definitely too small. I was still looking at the Sedona at that shop, so both of the two sizes I test rode were that model. Then I headed over toward the Y, but ended up going on over to Carson Cyclery, the shop near work, to talk to Katie and Steve again. Katie set me up with a Giant Cypress W rather than the Sedona, since she believes, and I now agree with her, that this one will suit me better for accompanying Terri and Melissa on training rides and for doing my own riding. I plunked down a payment, taking advantage of their three-month layaway plan, and Katie said she'll also honor the free-gift offer that they currently have running. I'll definitely need a helmet, and I'm thinking of some kind of basket or something for carrying stuff, and maybe one of those snap-on/snap-off fender sets so I can ride through puddles without showering myself. And a cable type of lock, of course. The bike I'm buying has a dark grey-easing-to-beige finish on it.

Still easing back into workouts at the gym. Today I took a nice leisurely stroll to nowhere for a full hour, but kept the speed to 2.5mph, and held steady with the 3.0 incline. A leisurely bike ride to nowhere, too, though I did get a little more energetic with that, spending a total of 55 minutes (plus 5-minutes cooldown) on the bike mostly at Level 7 but with a 15-minute stretch at Level 8.


Terri said...

Waaaaah! No fair! I want a new bike too!

Melissa said...

I'll just bet that was the same young man who "helped" me. The one I bought did come from the very top rack. Mwahahahaha Congrats on your new toy. :-)