Monday, July 28: Home treadmill for 1.257 miles; morning bike ride for 14.84 miles; post-work stop at the Y for the predominantly upper-body workout.
Tuesday, July 29: Skipped the home treadmill this morning; headed to the park for the morning bike ride, and had a flat about 6.25 miles into the ride. Walked about a mile total, between walking the bike out of the middle of El Dorado Regional Park to the nearest bus stop, rode a couple of buses back to Liberty Park, and walked a few hundred more feet to the van. And left the office too late to make it worth my while to stop at the Y.
Wednesday, July 30: Home treadmill for 1.177 miles; no ride today because the bike was in the shop, and no post-work stop at the Y. I was able to take a “dinner break” and get the bike from the shop.
Thursday, July 31: Home treadmill for 1.503 miles; morning bike ride for 9.92 miles, and a stop at the Y after work for the upper-body (and, of course, the two hip machines) strength training.
Friday, August 1: Home treadmill for 1.367 miles; morning bike ride for 6.94 miles. No visit to the Y because I don’t finish up at work early enough on Fridays to get there. Shorter bike rides before work because I’m officially back on the 10-8 schedule.
Saturday, August 2: BFF-J’s credit union is celebrating their 70th anniversary (and it turns out this credit union includes my former employer’s credit union, the one at the old Long Beach Naval Shipyard!), and so we all went to the Santa Ana Zoo, and then spent some time at her great-niece’s 1st birthday. About 1.188 miles of traipsing around.
Sunday, August 3: Home treadmill for 2.007 miles; nice long bike ride for 30.32 miles; skipped the Y because the banana-and-granola-bar breakfast just wasn’t enough after all of that.
Total distance for the week: 77.769
Distance from Bag End: 2908.817
Distance to Isengard: 25.183
July Recap:
Walking Distance: 35.045 miles (June: 11.9)
Elliptical Distance: 11.37 miles (June: 6.6)
Biking Distance: 315.35 miles (June 347.29)
Cybex Workouts: 7 (predominantly UBWO) (June: 2)
Weight Loss: 1.5 lbs
August Goals:
Increase all distances, especially walking and ellipticalling. Increase strength training occasions. Take better control of portion sizes and snacking. Today, August 3rd, marks the one-year anniversary of joining the Y.
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