Of course, the work upheaval is still keeping me from the Y, but I did get in some treadmill time this week, as well as the bike rides.
Monday, May 19: 0.5 mile on the treadmill and 16.72 on the bike.
Tuesday, May 20: 0.65 on the treadmill and 16.26 on the bike.
Wednesday, May 21: 0.96 on the treadmill and 15.03 on the bike.
Thursday, May 22: 0.8 mile on the treadmill and 15.79 on the bike.
Friday, May 23: I decided to snooze a bit longer today because of so many work-related phone calls during the night, and the weather was just too ugly for riding, so this became a rest day (and allowed me to buy a new mouse for my desktop 'puter, since the old one died Wednesday morning without warning).
Saturday, May 24: the annual Strawberry Festival Parade in my childhood hometown of Garden Grove with the BFFs this morning, then lunch at our favorite Mexican place, then the new Indiana Jones movie (which rocked; damn, but that man's still good lookin'!!), and then some errands. But I did manage to squeeze in a chilly 10.27 miles up the Coyote Creek Bike Trail from Cerritos Regional Park (technically, only 5 miles up the trail, then return).
Sunday, May 25: personal best on the Santa Ana River Trail today, from the Lincoln and Batavia access in Orange all the way down to PCH in Huntington Beach…34.01 chilly, windy miles.
Total walking distance: 3.41
Total biking distance: 108.08
Distance from Bag End: 2047.08
Distance to Minas Tirith (with Aragorn): 531.92
Goals for the coming week: increase treadmill time, keep riding, try to get to the gym
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