
2008, Week Twenty-Six

Omigosh, are we really halfway through the year? I was tempted to leave this until tomorrow, since tomorrow's the last day of the month, but decided that I'd go ahead and do this now…in case things are so crazy at work that I fall behind in this.
Monday, June 23: home treadmill for 0.51 mile; morning bike ride for 16.01 miles.
Tuesday, June 24: home treadmill for 0.80 mile; morning bike ride for 14.41 miles.
Wednesday, June 25: spent the day with a visiting NCISer doing touristy stuff.
Thursday, June 26: home treadmill for 0.91 mile; morning bike ride for 15.45 miles.
Friday, June 27: home treadmill for 0.95 mile; morning bike ride for 16.50 miles.
Saturday, June 28: A good day: 1.08 miles on the home treadmill, then a 10.40 miles bike ride, then breakfast with the BFFs, then a visit to a store, then off to the Y for an upper-body workout (plus the hip adduction and hip abduction machines, but no other lower-body work), then an hour on the elliptical for 3.50 miles.
Sunday, June 29: home treadmill for 1.01 miles, but puttered around too much to get in a bike ride before the All-Day Open Stitch Class at my Local Needlework Shop.

Mileage for the week: 81.53
Distance from Bag End: 2492.39
Distance to Minas Tirith: 46.61

Looks like I'll be in Minas Tirith by midweek. Then it's back to Rauros to join Merry and Pippin.

Please keep my dear buddy Melissa in your thoughts: she's just having the darnedest time learning to ride her bike! And spare a thought for my home treadmill, which I suspect is trying to die, and which I really can't afford to replace right now.

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