
2008, Week Fourteen

In some respects, it was a pretty good week; in others, it was really crappy.

Monday, March 31: No morning walk, no time on the elliptical, no Cybex circuit. But I did take a bike ride, for 8.39 miles.
Tuesday, April 1: At least I took a walk today, for a piddling 0.84 mile; morning bike ride for 9.18 miles; and a post-work stop at the Y, but I only got about halfway through the machines.
Wednesday, April 2: Home treadmill for 1.10 miles; morning bike ride for 9.46 miles; and finished up the Cybex circuit on the after-work stop at the Y.
Thursday, April 3: I didn't do a morning walk at home, but I did stop on the way home from work to get some outside-on-pavement walking, for 1.24 miles. I also did the morning bike ride as well as a short ride after work, before heading off to another park to do the aforementioned outside-on-pavement walking, for a total of 14.01 miles riding.
Friday, April 4: No morning walk, but the morning bike ride was 10.34 miles. And since it was Friday, there was no stop at the Y. And even though I got off work early enough for another outside walk at the park, there was a nasty cold wind blowing, so I went home, shut off my alarm, and slept late Saturday morning.
Saturday, April 5: Home treadmill for 2.25 miles and an afternoon bike ride in a cold wind on the Santa Ana River Trail for 10.54 miles.
Sunday, April 6: Home treadmill for 2.51 miles and a late morning/early afternoon bike ride on the Santa Ana River Trail for exactly 20 miles. This time I started at the Lincoln Av entry to the SART and thoroughly enjoyed the tailwind coming back. I also stopped at one of the LBSs and purchased new grips, had the handlebar raised, and a couple of other small adjustments. Could hardly wait to get out there Monday morning to try the changes!

Total distance travelled for the week: 89.82
And since I'm composing this at work, I don't have all my other data with me.

This Sunday: The Coaster Run!!

1 comment:

Laural said...

I can see how lazy I am, LOL. Good luck this weekend!!