
2008, Week Twenty-Six

Omigosh, are we really halfway through the year? I was tempted to leave this until tomorrow, since tomorrow's the last day of the month, but decided that I'd go ahead and do this now…in case things are so crazy at work that I fall behind in this.
Monday, June 23: home treadmill for 0.51 mile; morning bike ride for 16.01 miles.
Tuesday, June 24: home treadmill for 0.80 mile; morning bike ride for 14.41 miles.
Wednesday, June 25: spent the day with a visiting NCISer doing touristy stuff.
Thursday, June 26: home treadmill for 0.91 mile; morning bike ride for 15.45 miles.
Friday, June 27: home treadmill for 0.95 mile; morning bike ride for 16.50 miles.
Saturday, June 28: A good day: 1.08 miles on the home treadmill, then a 10.40 miles bike ride, then breakfast with the BFFs, then a visit to a store, then off to the Y for an upper-body workout (plus the hip adduction and hip abduction machines, but no other lower-body work), then an hour on the elliptical for 3.50 miles.
Sunday, June 29: home treadmill for 1.01 miles, but puttered around too much to get in a bike ride before the All-Day Open Stitch Class at my Local Needlework Shop.

Mileage for the week: 81.53
Distance from Bag End: 2492.39
Distance to Minas Tirith: 46.61

Looks like I'll be in Minas Tirith by midweek. Then it's back to Rauros to join Merry and Pippin.

Please keep my dear buddy Melissa in your thoughts: she's just having the darnedest time learning to ride her bike! And spare a thought for my home treadmill, which I suspect is trying to die, and which I really can't afford to replace right now.


2008, Weeks 23, 24, and 25

Finally taking the time to get caught up, since it's too darned hot for much of anything else.
Monday, June 2: home treadmill for 0.83 mile; morning bike ride for 14.34 miles.
Tuesday, June 3: home treadmill for 0.91 mile; morning bike ride for 13.03 miles.
Wednesday, June 4: morning bike ride for 14.35 miles.
Thursday, June 5: morning bike ride for 10.95 miles.
Friday, June 6: morning bike ride for 15.25 miles.
Saturday, June7: home treadmill for 0.5 mile; morning bike ride for 17.78 miles.
Sunday, June 8: walking around the LA River Ride venue for 0.75 mile; LA River Ride for 50.96 miles.
Monday, June 9: rest day.
Tuesday, June 10: went to the gym and used the upper-body machines.
Wednesday, June 11: bike in shop; went to the gym and did a 5K (3.10 miles) on the elliptical.
Thursday, June 12: morning bike ride for 10.19 miles.
Friday, June 13: morning bike ride for 15.55 miles.
Saturday, June 14: Downtown Anaheim 5K, 3.9 miles.
Sunday, June 15: morning bike ride for 18.46 miles.
Monday, June 16: morning bike ride for 10.74 miles.
Tuesday, June 17: morning bike ride for 13.35 miles.
Wednesday, June 18: morning bike ride for 16.086 miles.
Thursday, June 19: morning bike ride for 15.47 miles.
Friday, June 20: morning bike ride for 15.26 miles.
Saturday, June 21: morning bike ride for 10.12 miles.
Sunday, June 22: rest day.

Total miles for the 3 weeks: 271.67
Distance from Bag End: 2410.86
Distance to Minas Tirith: 168.14

Goals for the next week: get back on the home treadmill regularly! Gotta do this, because I've signed up for the City of Cypress 5K on July 26. Get the new guy at work ready to be turned loose so that I can get back to the gym!


Six Month Anniversary

Six months ago I purchased my bicycle. Today while riding through the parking lot to my van at the end of my morning ride, I let go of my handlebars. For about 75-100 feet I rode hands free, for the first time in over 40 years.


Race Update

I looked through all the results for several minutes, making sure I'd found the highest numbers in both Overall and Female listings. It's kinda hard to believe there were fewer than 800 people in this event, but 788 is the highest number I found. Anyway, 378 out of 388 females, 765 out of 772 Overall, and 6/6 out of Females 55-59. Melissa, who's been at this longer than I have, fared better. She also found, and forwarded to me, a really dreadful picture of me at the River Ride last Sunday. No, I'm not going to share that one; you'll have to hunt it down yourself. My Chip Time was 58:07.0, which is about 4.5 minutes faster than my Stubble Time. Which, I think, isn't too shabby for someone who doesn't really train for these events.

Well, I'm off for a ride before it gets too hot. I also have one more errand to run for a cross stitch project.


Nearly Two Weeks Behind!

Yikes! But my BFF-N spent last weekend in the hospital with some cardiac issues, so even though I didn't pass up any bike rides, I did decide that spending some time with her was more important than posting an update.

Briefly: last Sunday was the LA River Ride, so I now have completed an official Half-Century (50 miles) bike ride! Thank goodness it wasn't a race, because I'm just not a fast rider. I also had an extended break with 18 miles remaining when I had a couple of guys at one of the Pit Stops make some adjustments to my rear wheel and rear brake after I had a spoke break. Monday became a total rest day, then Tuesday I made it to the gym for some upper-body work before stopping at the bike shop. Wednesday, with the bike still in the shop, I again stopped at the gym for some cardio on the elliptical, which made me realize just how much I miss those after-work stops at the gym!! I sure hope the new new guy at work learns the job faster than the old new guy (the one who was—ahem—"released" from service Thursday). Do you realize that with the URI at the end of April/beginning of May and with training people at work, I went very nearly an entire month without getting anywhere near the Y!!

And today was the Downtown Anaheim 5K with my dear friend Melissa, who came close to her personal best in spite of the health hazards of holding an event on city streets only partly closed off to auto traffic. My own unofficial ("gun") time was a fraction under 59 minutes, a personal best for me and my first finish in under a full hour! I even got in a few seconds of what she calls "wogging," which is not quite jogging, but a bit beyond walking. Not too shabby, considering that I hadn't actually done any training for this event and have been quite the slacker with respect to getting out of bed and onto the treadmill!


LA River Ride

Because of a death in the family at my Local Needlework Shop, the Saturday night event there has been cancelled. So I signed up for the LA River Ride. I'll be doing the Half Century (50 miles), from Griffith Park to Paramount and back.


2008, Week Twenty-Two

I've had better weeks exercise wise, but I've had worse ones, too.
Monday, May 26: Home treadmill for 0.90 mile and morning bike ride for 13.78 miles.
Tuesday, May 27: Home treadmill for 0.90 mile and morning bike ride for 13.60 miles.
Wednesday, May 28: Home treadmill for 0.95 mile and morning bike ride for 15.69 miles.
Thursday, May 29: Home treadmill for 1.03 miles and morning bike ride for 13.62 miles.
Friday, May 30: Morning bike ride for 14.85 miles.
Saturday, May 31: Bike ride for 31.14 miles, and then a short stop at the Y for some upper-body exercises and 1.25 miles on a couple of different ellipticals.
Sunday, June 1: rest day.

Total miles for the week: 107.71
Miles from Bag End: 2139.19
Distance remaining to Minas Tirith: 439.81