
2008, Week Four Review

Coulda been a better week.
Monday, January 21: Started the day with a 6.29 mile bike ride (which turned out to be the last until Sunday!), and finished with 1.38 on the elliptical at the Y.
Tuesday, January 22: a short walk on the treadmill at home, for a puny little 0.63 mile; and since it was my birthday, I decided I could take the night off.
Wednesday, January 23: A walk on the home treadmill for 1.10 miles, and the Cybex machines at the gym.
Thursday, January 24: my morning treadmill time got interrupted, so only a pathetic 0.08 mile; on the elliptical at the gym, I managed 1.38 miles.
Friday, January 25: just the morning walk today because I had to be at work early, and stayed late as is usual on Fridays, so only 0.71 mile.
Saturday, January 26: if I'd known the rain was going to hold off until late afternoon, I'd have gone for a ride. But since Saturday is usually my day off from workouts, all I can come up with is the 0.10 mile walk a friend and I took from where I parked at the Olive Garden where we went to celebrate my (last Tuesday) birthday to a credit union ATM and then back to the restaurant.
Sunday, January 27: Since this is the last long-walk day before next Sunday's Surf City 5K (with Melissa), I hit the home treadmill first thing for 2.41 miles. Then I left a bit early for the Sunday gym visit and managed to squeeze in 3.04 miles on the bike before the rain got too bad. And at the gym I tortured myself on the elliptical for my first really long workout on an elliptical in a long time, for 2.88 miles. And the Cybex machines after that.

The Friday morning treadmill time got me to Lothlorien, and now I'm on my way to Rauros.
Total mileage for the week: 20.0

This week I really need to focus on walking, in preparation for the 5K.


Welcome to Lothlorien

I arrived in Lothlorien this morning on the treadmill. I won't be staying, as the Fellowship did, until February 17, but will head for Rauros tomorrow morning.


2008, Week Three Review

A mediocre week, I think. At least in terms of getting to the gym.
Monday, January 14: Home treadmill before work, 0.55 mile; bike ride before work, 5.62 miles. Upper body Cybex routine at the gym.
Tuesday, January 15: Home treadmill before work, 0.83 mile; bike ride before work, 5.45 miles; elliptical at the gym, 1.53 miles. Lower body Cybex routine at the gym.
Wednesday, January 16: elliptical at the Y, .99 mile. Upper body Cybex routine at the gym.
Thursday, January 17: Home treadmill before work, 1.0 mile. Skipped gym because I was late getting away from work.
Friday, January 18: Took a vacation day from work to attend a quilt show in Ontario. 0.5 mile general walking around.
Saturday, January 19: Normally my rest day, but this is the day Melissa, Nancy (from our LNS' classes), and I had our own little GTG to make up for the cancellation of the LNS' Stitch Inn, and we met for brunch, visited the LNS (and many, many thanks to Melissa, Terri, and Nancy for the GCs!!), stitched, gabbed, taught Melissa how to ride her bike, and stitched and gabbed some more. I find it hard to believe that I managed 3.19 miles cruising around that grade school, but that's what the odometer said!
Sunday, January 20: If I'm going to go to the gym and go for bike rides on Sundays, I really need to get started early. Never did get to the gym, but I did use Liberty Park in Cerritos to access the San Gabriel River Bike Trail and rode from between Del Amo and South St all the way to Whittier Blvd, a distance of a bit over 10 miles. Round trip totalled 21.68 miles. My girly-bits are okay, but my sit-bone is still tender.
Total miles for the week: 41.34.
Distance from Bag End, Hobbiton, The Shire, Middle Earth: 916.33
It's a little less than 4 more miles to Lothlorien.



Melissa!! On your biking progress today!!


2008, Week Two Review

Oh, but this was a sucky week! What is it about putting your vehicle in the shop that is so damned dispiriting? Especially when it turns out to be expensive. Shouldn't I have been at the gym getting it all out?
Monday January 7: Started off the week well with morning and evening stops at the gym, 2.27 miles on the elliptical and then the Cybex machine circuit.
Tuesday January 8: Zip, zilch, nada.
Wednesday January 9: Zip, zilch, nada.
Thursday January 10: A single pathetic stop at the gym, 1.82 miles on the elliptical. Admittedly, I did punish myself in the little time I had that night at there—5 minute warmup at Level 3; 5 minutes in Reverse at Level 3; forward again for 5 minutes at Level 3; 5 minutes at Level 5; 5 minutes at Level 7; 5 minutes Cooldown.
Friday January 11: Zip, zilch, nada. And for no good reason. Not even a bike ride before work, which makes it even more disgusting.
Saturday January 12: Why on earth do I need a "rest day" for such a pissy-assed slothful week? Well, okay, I did give myself 0.10 mile of walking credit for all the errands I ran.
Sunday January 13: didn't go to the gym, but I did cruise over to Yorba Regional Park in East Anaheim/Yorba Linda and rode for 20.03 miles. Beautiful little park with lots and lots of bike/walking trails, a no-bikes 5K trail (no, I didn't take advantage of this, though goodness knows, I should have!), and multiple access points to the Santa Ana River Trail. I even ventured out onto that for a short distance. I really should have gotten the regular bike shorts instead of the baggy bike shorts; it's still a bit chill out for riding in shorts, even on such a gorgeous day as today was, and the regular bike shorts could be worn under something else without looking pretty damned silly.
Totals for the week: 5.09 on the elliptical; 0.10 walking; 0 on the stationary bikes; and 20.03 on the road bike. Overall, 25.22 miles.
Currently 867.30 miles from Bag End and 409.30 miles from Rivendell. We've left the Mines of Moria and entered the woods of Lothlorien.

DGN Lisa, my stitching and general life blog is over at Gathering Place.


2008, Week One Review

As I said in my earlier post, the weather's just too nasty for a real bike ride, so I did all my work today at the Y.
Monday, December 31: 0.61 on the home treadmill.
Tuesday, January 1: enough wandering around that I generously credited myself with 0.10.
Wednesday, January 2: 0.90 on the home treadmill; 1.13 on the elliptical at the Y; and an outside bike ride of 5.05.
Thursday, January 3: 0.93 on the home treadmill; 2.38 on the elliptical; and an outside bike ride of 5.35.
Friday, January 4: 1.07 on the home treadmill.
Saturday, January 5: day of rest.
Sunday, January 6: 3.2 on the Y treadmill; 7.29 pm the indoor bike.
Total mileage for the week: 28.01
The treadmill at the Y today seemed to think that a 60-minute walk was enough, so it threw me into Cooldown before I completed my 5K. I tolerated 1 minute of 2.5mph cooldown, stopped the treadmill, wrote down my mileage so far, then restarted at 3.0mph to complete the last .24 mile of the 5K. Then I let it do a cooldown. Anyway, warm-up and unintentional cooldown included, my 5K took 66 minutes. My own fault I'm not doing better than that, as for the last two Sundays I've opted for long bike rides rather than hitting the gym (or, better, doing both).
I can't get to the Walk to Rivendell site to update my shields, but I am now 86 miles away from Lothlorien.
ETA: I finally managed to get in. I've updated my shields and checked my location: I'm in the Mines of Moria, near Balin's Tomb. Sometime in the next few miles, we'll lose Gandalf to the Balrog.

Ugly Weather

Although goodness knows, we need the rain! So it doesn't look like there'll be an outdoor ride today. Bummer.

Looks like there'll be three of us locally (as in the Orange County flatlands) becoming "Goal Sisters" on our paths to health. Maybe we should bring our bikes to Stitch Class every month and ride to lunch? Anyway, we're talking about starting to get together monthly for a ride on one of our non-stitch class weekends. I'm looking forward to it!!


2007 Recap

Well, first off, December turned out to be not as crappy as I thought it would: down by 2 pounds for the month!

I started the year just 55 miles from Bag End, made it (finally!) to Rivendell, and ended at 809.51 miles from Bag End. It's just over 100 more miles to Lothlorien.